March 21, 2023

Insights Roundup: Advice From Top Wizly Professionals

Insights Roundup: Advice From Top Wizly Professionals

Running a business brings about numerous challenges across different verticals. Whether hiring, marketing, brand strategy, or leadership, business challenges never stop. This is why companies are now turning to independent growth professionals, which help them catalyze growth with a small in-house team.

Wizly makes it easy for businesses to connect with top professionals around the world in just a few clicks! Businesses can book a call, send a message, ask a direct question, or post a doubt in the Wizly community, all through the Wizly platform. One of the key features of the platform is Insights, which are audio tips and tricks shared by growth professionals- they are mini playbooks. These insights cover precise challenges that businesses face and the platform, powered a vetted community of high-skilled professionals can help them overcome any business challenge.

Here’s a roundup of the recent insights from some of the top Wizly growth professionals

Creating A Community-Centric Brand — by Sourabh Goyal

Sourabh Goyal is the founder and CEO of SuccessBrew, where he leads a team of industry experts, growth hackers, social media strategists, brand strategists, and designers to help businesses unlock growth. In his long and illustrious career, Sourabh has helped thousands of individuals achieve their goals as a coach and has built an engaging community of builders.

In his insight on Wizly, he talks about the importance of creating a community-centric brand that focuses on engagement and how to create one. Here’s an excerpt from his insight:

“To build a cult-like following, it is important to bring people with a common agenda. In most cases, a founder doesn't build a company; a team doesn't build a company, but a group of people on a common mission always builds a great company. Therefore, if we create any community around a philosophy rather than a product or a service, it'll help your audience resonate with that philosophy. If we create content around that philosophy only and people are getting impacted again and again, that will bring you the highest level of engagement because that's what people want. This is because we are not creating a community on the subject of what we want but what the audience wants.

We need to keep the community open for ideas, inspiration, and engagement they bring in. This is because if they talk more, the community stays engaged, and it plays on the notion that people love third-party opinions and not just one person talking on one side. Also, for every community, it is important to keep building it locally and replicating the same model in various locations to achieve global growth. So think local and build global!”

How To Use TikTok For B2B Marketing — by Vanessa Bolosier

Vanessa Bolosier is a full-stack marketing leader bringing people-centric solutions and improving lives and businesses with system-wide thinking. Apart from helping businesses with an array of services, Vanessa also coaches a talent pool of ambitious and bold marketing experts.

With Wizly Insights, she delved into the secret sauce behind cracking TikTok for B2B marketing. She shares a list of things to consider before starting to incorporate TikTok into your strategy. Here’s an excerpt from her insight:

  • Understand the potential of TikTok: TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users, and it can be a powerful tool to drive brand awareness.
  • Evaluate your brand identity: Before you begin your TikTok strategy, it is important to consider your target audience to help shape your marketing goals and to stand out from your competitors; understand your target audience’s demographics and behaviour, as it will help you create content that resonates with them.
  • Pay attention to pain points: Monitoring corporate TikTok hashtags such as #Corporate, #WorkFromHome, and #WorkLife can help you identify common pain points among the target audience. By understanding the issues and the challenges that your target audience is facing, you can create content that addresses those pain points and position your company as a solution provider.
  • Partner with key opinion leaders: Next is collaborating with influencers in your industry to reach a wider urgency and gain credibility. This is nothing new, and it's not specific to TikTok, but partnering with influencers can help you tap into their existing audience and leverage their influence to promote your brand and generate leads. What's particularly interesting with TikTok is they have a creator marketplace where you can actually select and find people that have specific centres of interest and audience segmentation, and you can book them through their marketplace, which is actually quite handy and saves you loads of time in terms of research.
  • Invest in TikTok ads: TikTok as an ad platform is pretty good. It offers a wide range of ad format ads, targeting options, and metrics to help you reach your desired audience and measure the effectiveness of your ad. I know that the barrier to entry is quite high, and I know they're working on lowering that. It might cost a little bit at the beginning, especially as you enter and need to exit the learning phase, but it can turn out to actually be quite cost-effective.

“Other things to keep in mind while executing your B2B TikTok strategy include constant performance measurement, learning from other successful brands, and becoming a go-to source of inspiration,” says Vanessa.

User Experience Survey — by Alicia Crowther

Alicia Crowther is the director of research strategy at Three Digital Consulting. She’s a seasoned professional in transforming customer experiences in product and service companies by embedding data-driven processes. Alicia comes with a proven track record of building and scaling global customer-obsessed teams to deliver digital transformation in multiple industries.

In her recent insight on Wizly, she talks about what really goes into designing an effective user experience survey after launching a product. Here’s an excerpt from her insight:

“My top survey tips are to keep it short and focus on exactly what measures are useful to your business, whether it is satisfaction, adoption, or ease of use. People think surveys are easy and quick, but you do need to put a lot of thought into the questions and the ways that they're worded to avoid bias in your responses. If you ask too many questions, your participants will get bored and stop answering.

If possible, try to do your survey as a pop-up in your product. Keeping the survey in the product increases the likelihood that people will answer your survey because it's easy for them. You can assume around a 25% or less response rate. So for every 100 people that see your link, between 20 to 25 may actually answer it. You'd want around 200 responses to provide a fairly accurate result, but at a minimum, 100 would be roughly acceptable. You can always encourage more participation by giving participants something. If people are giving you their time, what's in it for them? Maybe by answering your survey, they get access to bonus content or some other freebie.”

Tech Stack For Growth Hacking For B2B Startups — by Thibaut Briere

Thibaut Briere is an independent marketing advisor and growth consultant for early-stage B2B startups in Asia. As a developer turned marketer turned entrepreneur, Thibaut helps early-stage Founders define and execute their growth and marketing strategies.

In his insight on Wizly, Thibaut focuses on growth hacking and, most importantly, what goes into your tech stack and what should be prioritised. Here are some excerpts from his insight:

“So, what goes into your tech stack, and what should be prioritised when it comes to implementing growth marketing for B2B startups? This is a very broad topic, and there are a million tools out there. Let me give you some principles on how to think about it and some key areas where you need the right tools. I would start with a landing page, which is the core aspect of any experience. You need to have a landing page where you try to convert people. Therefore, you need to have a tool that allows anybody in the team to create landing pages very simply, without requiring any help or support from the development team. I like to use Carrd, but there are so many tools out there.

Next, I would say tracking users is important. You can use Google Analytics, Hotjar, and many other tools. These tools are fundamental to tracking what's going on and to measure the effectiveness of your experiment. At the end of the day, you need to be able to say with confidence whether the experiment is working or not, and you need to have the tracking in place to do that. Next, a key area, especially for B2B startups, is emailing, whether it is cold emailing or drip campaigns. Therefore, you need to have a way to send emails. There are many tools out there, but I like to use ConvertKit.

Other things that you may need a tech stack for are scraping, workflow automation, data management, and paid marketing tools.”

4 Things To Consider Before Layoffs/Hiring Freezes — by Orin Davis

Orin Davis is a scientist, consultant, startup advisor, and trainer with a specialisation in making workplaces great places to work by applying positive psychology to hiring, engaging, and maximising talent.

In his insight on Wizly, he talks about the key things to consider before layoffs/hiring freezes, especially in lean times, as many companies are facing right now. Here are some excerpts from his insight:

“When we're looking at tough economic times for a company, the question of a hiring freeze or a layoff always comes up. It sounds like an effective solution because you're gonna be saving money on labour costs, but sometimes these savings turn out to be penny wise and pound foolish.

The best way to check is to assess the four Rs:

  • Runway: This is about whether you've got the financial runway to stay fully staffed. Remember that even if you don't have that runway, you still need to compare the savings of staff reductions against the future costs of turnover and restaffing after the lean times.
  • Running: This is about how many people you actually need to keep the company running if there's still work to be done. If the workload hasn't decreased, it's critical to keep yourself fully staffed. If you don't, people get overworked, then they burn out, then they quit, and then you're even more understaffed, leading to a death spiral that you definitely don't want to be in.
  • Resentment: This is the very likely consequence of layoffs or hiring phrases. The ones who lose their jobs obviously won't be happy, but the ones who stay may start to fear that their jobs are next on the chopping block, and they're gonna start looking elsewhere no matter what kinds of assurances you give them. Even worse, the ones who remain may need to pick up the work of those who left, and that can lead to that death spiral of overwork, burnout, and quitting - and in mass levels, it's the great resignation.
  • Ramp-up: This is the phase after you get through the lean times. How are you planning to get back to full strength, and will you have the staff for it? Keep in mind that prospective employees will absolutely be judging you on how you acted during the downturn, and the talent won't go to a company full of resentment and overwork. Moreover, if you're understaffed, you have to remember that once you find the money and go through the hiring processes, that's gonna take you a while, and all of those weeks are gonna be the time that your company isn't running full tilt when it could have been. How much are you gonna lose during those weeks or months in productivity and revenue?

None of this is to say that you should never do a layoff for a hiring freeze. Sometimes you just can't make payroll, you can't send salaries, and there's no way to recoup any losses, loans, or investments that you might have used to cover earlier. In those cases, you just don't have a choice. But if you have that situation, remember to be transparent, be compassionate, and give your departing employees the best parachute possible.”

Solving Business Challenges With Wizly

Business challenges are aplenty, but Wizly is making it easier to solve them. With a pool of vetted growth professionals with decades of experience behind them, Wizly ensures your questions are answered, and challenges are solved. Professionals at Wizly have worked with companies like Google, Canva, Meta, and Twitter, with 70% holding director-level positions and above. With Wizly professionals, businesses can truly catalyze their growth.

Want to know how? Join the Wizly community or sign up and reach out to top professionals from around the world.

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