March 24, 2022

How to Start Your Career in Micro-Consulting 🚀

How to Start Your Career in Micro-Consulting 🚀

We, as a society, have come to expect Google to know the answer to every question we have. An actor’s first movie, how many colors a lobster can see, and the chance of being struck by lightning are all questions Google and other search engines or forums can answer easily.

But what about when the answer is more complicated than that? What if we ask questions such as “How do I find the sitemap for my 301 redirect errors?” or “How do I market to a technical audience and, in particular, one from the blockchain developer domain?

Inquiries such as these need a more specific, expert-understood answer. While we may find something we think could be the answer on Reddit or even Quora, who knows the person's background answering these questions.

That’s where micro-consulting comes in.

What Is Micro-Consulting?

When an industry expert assists users or people on a 1-on-1 basis with a specific question or set of questions in as little as 15-minute sessions, this is micro-consulting. Instead of someone hiring a consultant for a long-term project that could cost their company thousands of dollars, Wizly lets users search through a global roster of subject matter experts who can help them within just a few hours or days.

Not only can micro-consulting assist people in finding the correct answer to their specific questions, but it also helps industry experts as well. Instead of working on only one or two projects at a time, experts can take on up to 10 conversations or meetings a month. This gives them the chance to meet, network, and grow their skills and knowledge on a regular basis.

Any type of professional or entrepreneur can utilise Wizly’s experts to help grow their business and knowledge.

For instance, an HR manager may be dealing with internal communications issues and company culture. The resolution to this challenge depends on many factors: company size, how they handle complaints, current internal comms pathways, and more. Instead of trying to figure it out all alone, a Wizly Expert (a certified HR professional) can help this HR manager on a 1-on-1 basis in as little as 24 hours.

5 Key Benefits of using your Expertise for Micro-Consulting

We now understand how micro-consulting can benefit users from mid-level management to entire corporations, but how exactly does an expert benefit from signing up with Wizly?

1. Choose Your Own Availability

Wizly gives you the power to determine how quickly you respond to requests and how many requests you’d like to handle per month.

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As you can see from the image above, each expert is able to decide between answering 1 and 10 questions a month, and between a 24 and 72-hour turnaround. These options can also be adjusted on a regular basis, giving experts the freedom to choose their own availability during busier or slower months.

When working for larger corporations on long-term projects, clients often assume you will be available 24/7. Micro-consulting helps ensure this type of dependent relationship never happens by giving micro-consultants the freedom to determine how busy they stay.

2. Regular Stream of Clients

For any type of consultant, every freelance or self-employed worker knows how difficult it can be to find clients or keep a regular stream of work. Wizly helps eliminate this issue by giving consultants a platform where the user comes to you.

All users need to do is type in their question, issue, or topic into a search bar, and Industry Experts are matched based on their keywords. Experts can also be found through browsing Micro-Insights – pieces of written or audio-recorded knowledge shared by others with a focus on improving topical understanding and problem-solving in their industry.

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Users and other micro-consultants can listen to or read your answer to a question, and even react to or download it. Knowledge is limitless with Wizly!

3. Network with Like-Minded Experts from Around the World

Experts understand the power and necessity of good networking. Through Wizly, you will be able to meet and connect with hundreds of industry experts from all over the globe. Our LinkedIn also posts multiple discussions a week where we engage and discuss trends, news, and other industry-related topics.

You now have access to like-minded professionals who understand your job and skills, while being able to discuss similarities and differences based on location. These types of professional relationships can take years to create offline, but are now available in a fraction of the time through Wizly.

4. Fast-Track Your Consulting Career

The consulting services sector has expanded at a fast pace over the last two years, with North America and Europe representing the most prominent regional markets worldwide. In a sea of consultants vying for the attention of companies and people in your industry, platforms like Wizly help give newer consultants a platform to grow.

Mid-level or experienced consultants can also benefit as well. With Wizly, experts have the chance to drive traffic to their Wizly account through social media, email marketing, blogs, and more. Experts with more significant followings now have the ability to reach their audiences on a more personal level through micro-consulting.

5. Wizly Allows You to Monetise Your Knowledge (and Referrals!)

Our micro-consulting platform is run on a form of currency called Wizlings. Micro-Consultants can collect Wizlings by:

  • Providing quality answers to shortlisted questions
  • Accepting 1-on-1 consulting calls
  • Earning royalties for Micro-Insights series

Micro-Consultants can also earn by referring friends and colleagues to Wizly. As mentioned above, all consultants understand the importance of creating professional relationships and networking. Now, you can introduce your connections to the Wizly community—and enjoy a small kickback in return!

These Wizlings can be used to:

  • Ask 1-on-1 questions to other Micro-Consultants
  • Listen to Micro-Insights from leading experts
  • …and you can convert it into real cash!

How Do I Become an Expert on Wizly?

Once you have determined yourself to be an industry expert in your field (roughly seven years of experience), signing up is a breeze. There are two main ways to sign up on Wizly:

  1. Follow this link and fill out an application
  2. Be invited directly by Wizly

After you have signed up, you can immediately set up your account and start answering questions! Wizly encourages you to use WhatsApp for notifications (which you can download from your chosen app store).

The Future of Solving

We have big dreams and aspirations here at Wizly, and we firmly believe micro-consulting to be the future of the way people solve business challenges, get help and succeed at work. Not only do our experts benefit from a regular flow of clients, but the freedom to completely customise their availability is becoming a regular expectation among the workforce.

Apply now to Wizly, and get started with your micro-consulting career today – we’re happy to have you!

Start Your Application

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